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Sri Hema Infotech school Management software Comprises following modules which makes the management of the institution Very efficient and effortless. School Management software facilitates the important Functions of school such admission, fee collection, attendance, Timetable, library, maintains of information about students, teachers as well as non-teaching staff of schools, colleges, academies And institutes an extremely easy and efficient.
Admission section plays different roles for Students and Employees. Student’s attendance details act as a tool to identify irregularities in the academic interests of the students. The same can be used to assess the student and give individual attention to the causes of repetitive or long absences. This System is integrated with attendance gate fixed on School Main entrance, which enables SMS to parents about their ward.
Attendance section plays different roles for Students and Employees. Student’s attendance details act as a tool to identify irregularities in the academic interests of the students. The same can be used to assess the student and give individual attention to the causes of repetitive or long absences. This System is integrated with attendance gate fixed on School Main entrance, which enables SMS to parents about their ward.
Fee Management
The Fee Module is the one of the most automated fee calculation module available in the market. Apart from being automated it is, at the same time, flexible enough to accommodate the varying nature of fee payments that most of the institutions come across. Fee calculation is done on the basis of Category selected for the student.
The module automatically calculates the pending fees, previous fee payment details, deductions and concessions if any applicable to the selected student. In addition to the above, the user is also provided the option to allow payment of more than one month/fee-cycle whichever applicable.
E-Report Card/Examination
Examinations can be customised to suit the needs of the school as well as the needs of senior and junior learners. From kindergarten to the senior most classes, you will be able to define the various exams held in your school and the marks and weight age to be carried into the final exams.
Given all this information, all we need to enter are the details of marks obtained for each class as the exams are taken. It will take care of the rest and generate the detailed final and intermediate result sheets.
The E-Report Card module allows user to handle automatic grading of exam marks. Print student report card, exam results analysis by class, subject and much more.
The Library module enables effective management of School Library. This system supports bar code & scanning capability to automate your library. With a single click books can be allotted and you can keep check on limits like No of books to be issued, Value of books that can be issued to Students/Staff. It allows various features like reservation of books, books searching, obsolete / spoil books, Library members report, fine collection report, Daily issue register, Accession Register with various conditions, Newspaper and Magazine receiving etc.
The Transport Management module enables effective management of School Transport. User-defined routes can be created along with Transporter Details. Route Master Summary, which consists number of students under single route. With a single click user can check Route wise Fee Outstanding, Collection. System keeps tracks of Route Change History of each student. It displays information of students who has opted for transport but no route is assigned to them.
A fully functional payroll management system is integrated into the software ease the burden on HR department. The payroll module is fully compliant with the rules as laid down by Law. Various calculation parameters and the allowances are also configurable as per the user requirements..The payroll module is capable of calculating the working days, payable amount, deductions etc. Various reports are also available to assist the management in calculating the expenses on salary as well as reports needed for departmental processes like PF forms/Challans etc.
Financial Accounting
The Financial Accounting module enables effective management of complete accounts of School. All type of vouchers can be entered from single voucher entry screen. Bird’s view (zooming) feature makes it more users friendly. All reports like Ledger, Bank/Cash Book, Journal, Trial Balance, Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are available with single click.
Student Record
The Student Records Management module enables effective management of comprehensive records on each student such as student personal particulars along with Photograph, attendance, co-curriculum activities, achievement, discipline, previous school information, school leaving information and parent/guardian. The system will eliminate duplicate effort on numerous manual processes and paperwork.
Student and Staff ID Card
The Report Module is the vital module which generates numerous reports that includes fee details, administration, library, student details, employee details and many more. Data navigates through all modules and the reintegration of new and emerging reports can be generated by a button click.